Thursday, May 04, 2006

Documents off to the Consulates

Our last documents that we have done are now off to the Houston Consulate. All that is left is the homestudy and getting the I-171H from Homeland Security. Homestudy will be complete on Saturday. I have been told it takes a week to write then we get a copy in draft format to check. Once the homestudy is complete the agency sends it to Homeland Security and they will issue the I-171H (we still need to get fingerprinted for this as well, we are waiting for an appt). Once we get those two documents back (homestudy and I-171H), I need to get them notarized, county certified, state sealed and then off to Houston Chinese Consulate. Then we are done.

We are shooting for our documents to go to China in late July. Please pray that all goes well there.


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