Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Infertility is Just One Big IF statement

I'm getting a lot of "now that you have decided to adopt, you will get pregnant" speeches. I guess that is better than "if you move to Floor XX at work you will get pregnant" -- everyone at work on the floor seems to have no trouble in that department.

We have done nothing to prevent a pregnancy for years now and based off our last rounds of infertilty treatment, most of the infertility problems are now on my side rather than Bill's (although he still has issues -- they are just more known). That's not to even mention the miscarriages.

Why don't people understand that I'm happy about adopting. Getting pregnant is not something I want right now. Sure if by some miracle if I got pregnant, and if I was able to manage to stay pregnant, I would be estatic. That would be one big IF. Funny how the word "IF" is the abbreviation for Infertility on the boards on the internet. Sort of fitting if you think about. Infertility is just one big IF statement. I think the one word I constantly heard from doctors was IF....

  • If this works...
  • If you lost weight...
  • If we remove the fibroid...
  • If you do this treatment...

I have definitely moved past wanting a pregnancy. I dream about a little baby with asian features. I really believe we are meant to go down this path rather than the have another biological child.

Our next baby will not be an IF statement, it will happen...it is just a matter of WHEN.


Kelly (Mike, Zane and Mia Jade) said...

AMEN!!! I get that almost daily -"you'll get pregnant after you adopt" statement and I know exactly how you feel - I don't care about having a birth child anymore - really! People seem not to believe you when you tell them that you're happy with your path to adoption. When people give you a hard time, refer to my list of reasons why adoption is better than pregnancy on my blog (sept 9 posting)!

Kelly (Mike, Zane and Mia Jade) said...

oh yeah, you have the reasons posted too - I forgot. Tell them some of those!

Unknown said...

I am glad we are not the only one who gets the "as soon as you get home you will adopt: statement..
I dont get it..I found your blog on one of the China adoption forums. Feel free to check ours out..Its pretty basic and we also live in atlanta